Last Updated on August 15, 2016 by Michael Brockbank
Spinach has a bad reputation among children, and for good reason. Personally, I can’t stand the smell of it cooking. However, it’s one of Earth’s superfoods that can be quite beneficial when properly prepared. I like to mix it into a salad raw. Regardless of how you prepare it, spinach can do a large number of things for the human body. This is because of how rich the plant is in nutrients.
What Can Spinach Do for You Today?
This post is going to center more around the benefits of this leafy green in its raw form. However, you can vastly increase its health level if you boil it. Unfortunately, I just can’t seem to stomach the soggy green clump.
1. Regulating Blood Pressure
Because of the density of potassium in spinach, it can help regulate your blood pressure. This isn’t saying that it’s a cure-all for your cardio vascular system, but it does have potential to balance everything out. You should still see a physician if you have heart complications, but don’t forget to include spinach in your daily diet.
2. Boosts the Immune System
Loaded with vitamin A and C, adding a cup of raw spinach to your salad can enhance your immune system. On average, a single cup can provide you with as much as 14% of your recommended daily dose of this multi-purpose vitamin. When combined with other veggies for a nice lunch-time meal, you could get everything you need in a single sitting.
3. Disease Prevention and Treatment
This leafy green is loaded with vitamin A. As a plant-based source, it is referred to as beta-carotene. Studies suggest that it has potential to treat some of the most deadly of diseases but requires more scientific research. However, it’s used to treat a wide scope of ailments with positive results.
4. Skin Conditioning
A lot of people don’t put much though into how this plant can improve cell generation of the skin. Again, this is a shout-out to vitamin A. Although most treatments for the skin are used as a topical agent, don’t underestimate the value of consuming the vitamin through foods. Because spinach has such a high density of this vitamin, it can be very beneficial for the skin.
5. Improves Eye Functionality
Beta-carotene also contributes to the health of your eyes. Although carrots have one of the highest concentrations of this component in the vegetable kingdom, spinach can play an important role as well. At 56% of your recommended daily dose, this leafy green falls short by having only roughly one-eighth the beta-carotene that carrots have. But, it’s much higher than many other foods that you may eat in the day.
6. Cleans the Blood
Several components in this garden favorite contribute to keeping the blood stream clear of various free radicals. These are called, “anti-oxidants.” Essentially, anti-oxidants sweep debris from your cardiovascular system like the arms removing pins at a bowling alley. The more of these you have every day, the less likely you’ll develop severe complications such as cancer.
7. Maintain Functionality of the Nervous System
Spinach also includes components that keep the nervous system properly maintained. For instance, the vitamin B6 within the plant helps metabolize proteins that are used to strengthen the sheathing around the nerves themselves. It is believed that it also improves conductivity within neurotransmitters. This means it helps boost the brain process information.
8. Improving Digestion
Although plants are fairly easy to digest by humans anyway, the vitamins and minerals within spinach contribute to improving this process even further. For example, magnesium is often used to treat constipation. In each cup of the leafy green, you’re getting approximately 6% of your daily value of this blockage remover. While this doesn’t mean you’ll spend some time sitting on the porcelain throne, you may still feel the difference over time in your regularity.
9. Improving Bone Health
Yes, even the bones can have help through consuming this wonder plant. Although it’s relatively low in calcium, it’s the other components that work in tandem to improve bone density and maintenance. As a result, a salad made with the green may contribute to preventing osteoporosis. However, it shouldn’t be viewed as a cure if you’ve already developed this condition. Fortunately, spinach may help the healing process along.
10. Overall Organ Functionality
Approximately 65% of the iron in your body is contained within red blood cells. This transports oxygen from your lungs to various organs within the body. For example, oxygen is vastly important to the brain and keeping it healthy. Spinach contributes to this process due to the amounts of iron within each leaf. However, it’s not an overly abundant source of this component. You may need another source if you want to avoid becoming anemic such as meats or other iron-dense veggies..
Spinach contributes to a large number of different aspects within the body. I’m sure there are plenty more, but I am running out of time today. The next time you want to boost your health in a profound way, include a little bit of the leafy green in a salad or on top of a burger. You may just find a new favorite. For me, it’s combining one cup of lettuce with one cup of spinach topped with cheese, onions and meats for a perfect cool summer meal.