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But if you’re looking for something specific, you can take a look at the different categories we have on this blog. Perhaps something can pique your interest.

Or, you can read the most recent posts published on the website.

  • The BMI Scale and Why It Needs to Go Away
    The Body Mass Index, or BMI, scale has been around for nearly 200 years at the time of this post. Developed by a mathematician, it is rooted in faulty information and needs to disappear.
  • Exhausted After Your Workout? Why and How to Adapt
    How often are you exhausted for the rest of your day after a good workout? Perhaps you simply have trouble trying to keep your energy levels up. It’s quite common, actually.
  • Vitamin D: What it Does and Where to Get It
    Did you know that approximately 41.6% of adults in the United States are vitamin D deficient? Considering how important this vitamin is, you want to make sure you’re getting enough.
  • 5 Things I Want to Accomplish in 2025
    Well, it’s a new year, and millions of people are throwing in their lot of what they want to accomplish in 2025. I figured I would jump on that bandwagon, but provide plans on how I’m going to do it.
  • Why I Didn’t Hit My Fitness Goals for 2024
    I believe that nothing is truly a failure as long as you learn from the experience. Then, it becomes nothing more than a life lesson to improve your chances for next time. So, what did I learn in 2024?