Do Lap-Band Surgeries Promote Fake Fitness?

Lap-band Surgeries
19 Apr

Last Updated on April 19, 2016 by Michael Brockbank

One thing I will never understand is how people can mutilate themselves for vanity. I know there are some people out there that may truly benefit from laparoscopic gastric banding, but a large portion of them do it to “look good.” Although you’ll lose weight by decreasing your food intake thanks to lap-band surgeries, is it really associated with optimal fitness? In reality, it could be just as problematic for you in terms of nutritional intake and exercise.

Why People Get Lap-Band Surgeries

Laparoscopic gastric banding is the process of placing a device that limits how much food you can eat in any one sitting. Essentially, you’re fooling your body into thinking that it’s full. This greatly reduces the aspect of consuming too many carbs, calories and fats as your body burns the stores you have currently for energy. It’s sounds like a good idea, in theory. If this can help obese people lose weight, then why am I so against such surgeries? After all, people get these surgeries for a variety of reasons that seem legit.

Health Complications
Not everyone has the capacity to burn calories or lose weight like most of humanity. Whether it’s thyroid problems, cancer, tumors or other health complications, they simply cannot lose weight regardless of what they do. This may be one of the few reasons I’ll except when it comes to installing a device on your stomach. With all of the chemicals that are in food, air and water, it’s a bit surprising that we don’t have more mutations.

Hormonal Imbalance
In some cases, a hormonal imbalance can cause people to think they are hungry even when the stomach is full. There are many eating disorders that can affect weight gain, and some believe the gastric banding is the fix for many of them.

Lack of Motivation
I know quite a few people who have had gastric banding surgery in order to slim down. Most of them had no prior physical complication to warrant such an operation. In essence, their lack of fitness was derived from a lack of motivation. Now, I’m not saying that all people who have lap-band surgeries are lazy. However, it’s surprising to me how many of them are.

The Nutritional Aspect of a Lap-Band Surgery

After having lap-band surgeries, patients are advised to stick with a specific diet in most cases. This is the part that gets me revved up. It’s the same claim that is on diet supplements – use with proper diet and exercise. Too many people see lap-band surgeries as a stop-gap method to lose weight. Just like supplements, a lot of people assume that the surgery is all they need. In reality, you can still throw your body into malnutrition – even with devices around your stomach.

Vitamins and Minerals
The human body needs a balance of vitamins and minerals in order to function properly. Lap-band surgeries can still be abused by those who eat nothing but junk food all day. It’s like when I mention counting calories. How much you eat is only a small part of gaining a better grasp of fitness. It’s the quality of food you need to focus on. So, you can eat a package of powdered donuts and feel full with the lap-band installation – but you’re still not getting all the nutrients your body needs.

Getting the Blood Flowing
There is a ton of scientific evidence that supports blood flow improving everything from physical to mental applications. Some people who get the lap-band surgery, I know several, don’t put as much effort into developing themselves through exercise. Workout routines aren’t only to help you fit in a bathing suit or to look like a supermodel. They can affect everything from depression to rational choices you make in your career.

The Risks of Losing Weight with a Lap-Band

Like most invasive surgeries, you’re faced with a large number of risks. Anesthesia allergies, infections, heart attacks and blood clots are only a few of the complications that could happen while on the operating table. Regardless of what surgery you have, these risks are very real and can be potentially deadly. With that in mind, lets take a look at a few other complications that could rise from lap-band surgeries.

Internal Injuries
As with any surgery that requires implants of a foreign object, there could be severe physical injury side effects. You could suffer damage to the stomach, intestines and other internal organs, especially if the band slips out of place.

Eroding through the Stomach
It is possible for the gastric band itself to erode through the stomach lining. If this happens, you’ll need immediate surgery. This could cause a great deal of damage if not addressed immediately. This could lead to septicemia, a severe infection in the blood that could be fatal.

Financial Complications
According to, the average lap-band procedure could cost more than a brand new car. In 2015, this average was over $14,500. Personally, I’d rather spend the money on fitness gear or a personal trainer. Although some insurance carriers can help with these costs, it’s still an expensive luxury that many simply cannot afford.

It’s Always Better to Motivate Yourself Before Going Under the Knife

Exercise and eating right are, in my opinion, still the best methods of losing weight. There is more to fitness than just the aspect of reducing the fat stores within the body. It affects muscle development, internal organ health, mental development, fine motor controls and a myriad of other human facets. Slimming down means nothing if you’re still suffering from poor nutrition. There are many ways to motivate yourself to succeed and reach a higher level of physical and mental fitness.

Before you consider surgeries as a method to reduce your body mass, take a closer look at why you would need such as costly and invasive procedure. Your mental state plays a role in how you view health. Even those who suffer from food addictions can address the problem on a mental and spiritual level outside of the operating room. Take a closer look at your life prior to succumbing to fake fitness. Not everything needs to be solved with surgery and pills.

I understand that there are severe cases when this surgery may be ideal. I am more concerned with those who get this done because they lack proper motivation and willpower to improve their lifestyle. If you’re one of those people, there is simply too much at risk for something that may fail in helping you live better. Find a better way to exist that doesn’t involve someone tearing you open to install a device around a vital organ.

Would you ever consider the lap-band surgery to lose weight? What kinds of steps do you take to make sure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals in your daily diet?


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