Fitness in Theory – Episode 11: Weight Loss Tools

FiT Podcast Episode 11
26 Jan

Last Updated on May 21, 2023 by Michael Brockbank

In this episode of Fitness in Theory, Sam and I try to talk about the different apps and tools we use for weight loss. These are some of the most profound things we’ve used over the past decade to lose more than 80 pounds each.

A lot of the ones I bring up in this podcast are quite prevalent throughout this website. So, if you’re curious about anything we bring up in the podcast, you can easily look for them using the search field in the nav bar.

In any case, always remember that any tool is only as effective as the person using it.

Why Weight Loss Tools Matter

In reality, you don’t need anything to help you lose weight. It mostly comes down to making sure you’re not overeating and that you’re getting some physical activity.

However, the apps and things we talk about in this podcast help us in a myriad of ways. For instance, weight loss apps and tools can:

  • Help you identify trends in your overall health.
  • Help you create actionable plans specific to your needs.
  • Gamify health and fitness by making it fun.
  • Teach you more about yourself and how you function in general.
  • Help you stay motivated to reach your goals.

These are just some of the things I can think of off the top of my head.

Now, no tool is going to magically dissolve the fat. You need to put in the effort to use them properly, and there are a lot of interesting apps and gadgets out there that can ultimately help you reach virtually any fitness goal.

It all comes down to your wants, needs, and ideas about where you want to be in five years.

What Are Your Favorite Tools or Pieces of Equipment?

When it comes to weight loss and fitness, I have quite a few tools that I consider my favorites. My Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, the Xbox Kinect…they all combine into a thick web of health and fitness.

What are some of the things you like to use for your weight loss journey?

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