Fitness in Theory – Episode 27: Alternatives to Gym Equipment

FiT Episode 27
30 Jun

Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Michael Brockbank

What if there is equipment at the gym that you love to use but it seems everyone and their dog is working out that day? You could stand in line, or you can find an alternative to the exercise.

In this episode of Fitness in Theory, we talk about the different alternatives you can use at the gym when it doesn’t seem the traffic to your favorite machine or weights will let up. This is actually something that affects me more often than you’d think at six in the morning.

In my case, I have an extremely narrow window to get in anything I can while at the gym. So, if something I love is being used constantly, I need to find alternatives. Though, my default is usually to get on the treadmill for another 10 minutes.

If you have more time available than I do, there are all kinds of things you can do to work out similar muscle groups to the machine or exercise equipment that is being used.

You might have to get a bit creative, but it’s possible.

In this episode, we’ll talk about a few things you can do to get into a similar workout. For the most part, though, this includes dumbbells.

Dumbbells are nice because they can serve so many different purposes. They are probably one of the more flexible pieces of equipment you can use. They can assist in everything from glute bridges to chest presses.

What Is Your Go-To at the Gym?

I’m a big fan of various weight machines at Planet Fitness. Unfortunately, it seems most people love the fly machine, which is my favorite. Still, there are several alternatives when I can’t fly myself. For example, I usually get on the chest press machine if the fly is constantly being used.

What machines or pieces of equipment do you like to use most?

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