Not everything about health and fitness centers around food and workouts. So, what has been on our minds lately?

There are all kinds of health and fitness topics that can go into a journal. Our experiences, thoughts, opinions, and more usually fit within these pages to keep track of our weight-loss journeys.

From our trials and tribulations to simply venting about the health and fitness industry, the Journal is essentially where we jot down everything else.

Below are the most recent articles that don’t really seem to fit within the primary categories of eating or exercising. Still, there may be a few tidbits of information you can get for your own health and fitness goals. This is especially true if you follow along with our failures and why they happened.

Though, a lot of the time, these are often updates of a case study I’m working on or sharing something I came across in the news.

    Journaling Helps with Motivation

    Much like how I use the podcast to drive motivation, journaling semi-regularly on this blog helps keep my mind on task. It doesn’t always work as I’d like, but it’s just another method I use to help drive my success.

    In other words, journaling like I do helps develop a sense of accountability. Not only am I trying to be accountable to myself to get healthier, but knowing others are reading about my progress makes me feel accountable to them as well.

    Besides, I often share quite a bit that has a great deal of research involved based on scientific facts or personal experience.

    Although many of these posts don’t get a lot of attention, I still write them for virtually the same reason why anyone would keep a journal, in the first place. Only instead of the journal being tucked away within my desk and out of view, these posts are available to everyone.