Seeing a Pattern In My Weight Loss On the Spreadsheet!

Weight Loss Spreadsheet
19 Feb

Last Updated on May 21, 2023 by Michael Brockbank

Now that I’ve been collecting a bit of data, and have been vigilant about recording everything I eat, I’m starting to see a pattern emerge. Though, it could just be a fluke. It’s still too early to be certain, but it looks like my weight loss spreadsheet is showing something kind of cool.

This is precisely why I like setting up the spreadsheet in the first place. When you closely monitor the data, you can see some pretty neat things.

And seeing patterns in the data helps you build some rather good strategies for success. This is true in just about everything, actually. It’s why I have spreadsheets to track everything from weight loss to writing my book.

It’s fun for me because I’m a bit of a dork.

What is the Pattern in the Weight Loss Spreadsheet?

So, it’s not been a whole two weeks yet, but I saw something this morning that kind of stood out. It seems on the days when I consume fewer than 200 grams of carbs, I drop weight rather quickly.

The four days that I kept my carb intake lower dropped me by an average of 1.5 pounds each time in a single day. Now, that’s an awful lot, in the grand scheme of things.

I have been a bit active, just not doing my exercise routines. This is mostly from just walking around and moving several heavy objects recently. For example, I know I used up a lot of energy putting the desk together I got from my brother’s house.

Perhaps one of the coolest aspects of this data is the fact that I’m still losing weight without putting in much cardio outside of walking.

The More Data You Collect, the More Accurate the Results

There is a reason why my writing spreadsheet is far more elaborate than the one I have for weight loss. The more relevant data you can collect, the more accurate the results become towards the end.

This is how I can determine with a certain level of accuracy that I’ll write close to one million words this year.

So, by tracking macros like protein, carbohydrates, and fats, I can get a clearer picture of how my eating habits adjust my day-to-day weight. This also includes how much water consumption plays a role.

Sure, you can always do a Google search on certain things and find some scientific information to help you along. The reason why I focus more on personal case studies is because we, as humans, are unique.

We share a lot of the same physiology, but we are all different. What works for one person doesn’t guarantee it’ll work for another.

When I set up spreadsheets like this, I collect information that will help me find a clear path according to my physiology and needs. Then, I can set up the best course of action to reach my goals.

How I’ll Use the Weight Loss Spreadsheet

OK, according to the spreadsheet, keeping my carb intake below 200 is ideal. This will let me eat some of the things I enjoy while focusing on slimmer alternatives to others.

After all, I hate restrictive diets.

Thanks to MyFitnessPal, I can keep track of daily macros to determine if I have enough carbs left to “afford” that cookie, cake, or cup of ice cream. And if I can’t, I’ll snack on something much lighter.

It’s probably not a bad idea to do this anyway. When you consume too many carbs and are not active enough to burn the glucose, they’ll easily turn into fat. This is probably why I am losing weight on those specific days.

Perhaps I am burning more carbs than I consume on those days by simply walking as much as I do.

In any case, it’ll make for an interesting point of view if I can maintain reducing my carb intake. I have a penchant for processed sugars and portions of pasta.

After this weekend, I’ll try to pay closer attention to see if hitting below 200 carbs makes a real difference or not.

It’s Still too Early to Get Excited

You can’t just take a few entries and assume that is the way things work. There could be some underlying variables that contribute to losing weight after a lower carb intake.

By replicating the conditions, you can verify if the hypothesis is correct, especially if you do it for an extended period of time.

In reality, it was only four instances of my losing an average of 1.5 pounds throughout the span of two weeks. Four instances really aren’t all that many to get excited over.

I’ll be more excited if I can get it to happen 10 consecutive times.

In any case, it’s things like this that keep me focused on various goals. Gamifying fitness in any regard helps keep your mind engaged and motivated to keep moving forward. That’s because you find the activity fun.

For me, keeping track of data in something like my weight loss spreadsheet is enjoyable. I love crunching numbers and seeing patterns like this emerge.

As I said…I’m a dork.

How Do You Track Your Weight Loss Journey?

What kinds of things do you use to track your weight loss? I know a lot of people who just use lined notebooks. Perhaps you have an app that helps you stay focused.

It’s all about finding something that works for you to keep yourself motivated.

For me, it’s mostly about using Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, and my spreadsheet. I’ll keep track of exercises with, but these are the ones I use most throughout the day.

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