Last Updated on May 21, 2023 by Michael Brockbank
When I set up my most recent case study, I didn’t really fathom the number of people I’d have in the house over the holidays. Don’t worry, everyone quarantined before coming over. But, the issue is I now have a lack of room to play the Xbox.
And since everyone is here for the next week, it’ll be a while before I can get back in front of the game system.
What Does This Mean for the Case Study?
Unfortunately, this puts a damper on the case study for using the Kinect to lose weight. The table my son is using is right in front of the television. This, unfortunately, means I don’t get to really get into the game without smashing my weighted hands into his monitors.
As it stands, I probably won’t be able to play the Kinect for another week and a half, after the holidays.
The sad part is that I intend to keep losing weight. As I am so close to my goal, I won’t be able to show how much fat you can really lose over the long haul in front of the Xbox.
Why is this a problem? Because I won’t have much fat to lose towards the end of the 12 weeks. I’ll be at my goal long before the end of the challenge.
I suppose I can try a new case study to see if you’re able to get toned up playing the Xbox.
The bottom line is that, if all goes well, I’ll be at my ideal weight within the next two months. Maybe I can at least I can do weekly case studies of burning fat using the Kinect until then.
What Does This Mean for Fitness in General?
Having a house full of kids does make working out a bit difficult. Since everyone is isolated indoors, I really don’t have a lot of room at my disposal. But, I can still do some stuff in my room.
My bedroom is big enough to accommodate working out quite easily, actually. And, it’s where I play with the Bodyblade anyway. This way, I won’t have to worry about smacking anyone while working out.
I am just disappointed as playing the Kinect with wrist weights makes a massive difference.
Santa Brought Workout Equipment for the Holidays
On the upside, Santa did have a theme for this year. The entire family got a lot of different workout and exercise equipment. Fitbits, slide boards, exercise dice, and a variety of other stuff is now at my disposal.
The greatest benefit for me is that all of this different equipment gives me a ton of ideas for future blogging content. So, it’s kind of a win, I suppose.
And to be perfectly honest, I’m looking forward to seeing what the slide board does in terms of calorie burn and muscle definition. Maybe I’ll combine it with using the Blodyblade and create a major exercise video.
At any rate, I have a lot of different things I can do for working out at home. I just need to devise a plan that will keep me motivated. That’s one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to do the case study.
It’ll keep me focused on exercising.
Should I Plan Out Another Case Study?
I hate having to jump from one experiment to another like this, but I’m wondering if I shouldn’t create another case study for the holidays. After all, collecting data is what keeps me focused every day.
Or, perhaps I can alter the current one. Instead of focusing on losing weight playing the Xbox, I can aim for a certain number of points on This way, I can include everything I do, including eventual Kinect play.
For example, I could do a 7-day experiment of how much weight I can by getting 500 points per day. The kicker here, though, is that you make far more points when using weights such as dumbbells. So, I’m not sure if that would be a very good study.
Unless I limit the dumbell use and see how many points I can get with bodyweight exercises.
Regardless, I would still get physical activity whether it’s lifting dumbells or doing push-ups. I’ll have to check if there are points available for the different pieces of exercise equipment we got for Christmas.
Gotta Be Adaptive to Situations
One of the biggest faults I have is how I let circumstances greatly alter my perception. Since I can’t do the case study now, part of me is saying, “Then let’s not try until everyone goes home.”
But, that would also defeat the purpose of finishing of 2020 on a high note and working towards looking like a superhero by spring.
So, I will have to adapt. Because I really want to see what I can do for myself in terms of fitness.
And, I don’t want to run the risk of my heart stopping for a second time.
What’s the Goal This Week?
OK, starting tomorrow, I am going to adapt and start another case study. I’ll focus on the Xbox Kinect as soon as everyone goes home. But for now, I’ll work on a week-to-week set of goals.
Today, I’ll just work on keeping calories green in MyFitnessPal. Which I’m doing really good at so far.
But tomorrow…
Aiming for 500 Points Per Day
I just checked, and it looks like all of the workout equipment we got for Christmas is available for points in And, I’m really looking forward to setting some personal records.
For example, I am really excited to see what I can do with the Ab Roller. It’s a simple device, but many people point out how effective the ab roller is.
So far, the best sitewide performance for the Ab Roller is 15 reps. I’m sure I can break that record…he said unconvincingly.
Perhaps I’ll do a post or video as to what happens if you use it every day for 30 days after the holidays.
Though, I might have to increase the point goal if I add more weights to the workouts. For instance, using 45-pound resistance cables is worth more per rep than a push-up.
To really get a good workout, I should aim for 500 points per day with nothing but bodyweight exercises. Then, I can record the dumbells and resistance cables separately.
Working Out Three Times Per Day
Because my day is quite busy, I’ll have to break up the workouts into more manageable segments. This means, yep, paying attention to the alarm on my phone.
Ideally, I’ll work out for about 20 minutes at 6:45 AM, 10 AM, and then at 3:45 PM. This way, I am active for at least one hour per day regardless of anything else I do.
The reason I break it up like this is to adhere to my work schedule. I simply don’t have a chunk of time that I can dedicate to exercising for 1 hour straight.
Planning Each Day’s Exercises Ahead of Time
I think planning out the week in advance will help me stay focused. Lately, I’ve been trying to do it as a whim, and that hasn’t worked out well for me.
As soon as I’m done writing this post, I am setting up my whiteboard. I just hope I have some dry erase markers that still work. Otherwise, I’ll have to make a trip to Walmart.
Anyway, having something in plain sight will help me remember as well as motivate me that I need to do certain exercises.
Besides, I want the blog post to accompany each week of working out. And I can’t very well do that if I don’t have data to back up my claims.
And since exercise and fitness content usually picks up right after the holidays, it’ll be the best time to see if I can get some visitors to the blogs or even YouTube channel.
Poor Planning On My Part
Life happens. And it’s on me that I can’t get into my most recent case study. I just have too much going on in the house during the holidays. But, I think I have a pretty solid plan of action for the next week.
I won’t hit my goal weight by the end of the year. But, at least I’ll be on the right track to start 2021.
Ah haha. 2020 just refuses to go away nicely.
But that’s cool that you’re going to adapt and keep pushing through the end of the year using whatever means available for now. Finish strong, man!
Yep…2020 just won’t go down. Guess I’ll have to use a bigger stick! 🙂