Review: Is a BlenderBottle Worth Buying?

Review of BlenderBottle
06 Jan

Last Updated on May 21, 2023 by Michael Brockbank

The Internet is full of gear for exercising. And although there are quite a few questionable things out there, you can find some exercise equipment that has practical use. Today, I’m looking at the BlenderBottle shakers and whether you’d want one.

Especially if you want a way to mix up protein powders, shakes, and other liquids for your workout needs.

What is a BlenderBottle?

A blender bottle is essentially a cup that comes with a wire ball whisk that “blends” the mixture while shaking. It’s perfect for mixing protein shakes and energy drinks that don’t have a solid component.

In other words, don’t try to blend up an orange in the cup.

The idea is to thoroughly mix the components within the bottle. If you’re using powders, this means your concoction will have a greater chance of being mixed together without leaving clumps behind.

This way, you don’t have to chew your protein shake.

What Can You Expect from a BlenderBottle?

Emerge and a Shaker Bottle

I’ve used several shaker bottles from various companies. And while some of them worked well enough, they just don’t seem to have the same longevity as a BlenderBottle.

Let’s take a look at some of the things you can expect from a BlenderBottle-brand shaker.

Sturdy Construction

Out of the many bottles I’ve owned in the past, we’ve only broken the lid of one. I’ve been using them for almost a decade now and the only issue I’ve had personally due to construction was how the rubber cover of my first bottle melted slightly in the dishwasher.

To avoid this today, I only buy bottles that don’t have rubber grips added.

In any case, I can still technically use the original bottle if I chose. The bottle itself is still in like-new condition. And considering how long I’ve had it and the mileage I’ve put it through, that’s quite impressive.

The plastic construction even has a quality feel, overall. And I’ve dropped my bottles on more than one occasion without breaking them.

We Broke the Lid of One

As I said, we’ve only broken one bottle. And that was because the mixture had solidified in the lid, which snapped after putting a lot of pressure to get it to spin. This wasn’t necessarily due to poor construction, but poor maintenance.

Some powders can get quite sticky when left in any bottle.

Because of the circumstance, I can’t really put the fault on BlenderBottle for the lid breaking. After all, I had to put a lot of pressure to get it to spin due to the dried contents. I should have soaked it a bit, first.

Works Exceptionally Well

As I like to use protein powders before hitting the gym and drinking Emerge every morning, the BlenderBottle shaker is the first thing I grab after my cup of coffee. It mixes up my powders quite well whether I’m using water, almond milk, or any other type of liquid.

In the beginning, I didn’t think it was going to make all that much of a difference. But I can say with certainty that it sure beats trying to mix up protein powder and milk with a spoon.

There’s nothing more unsettling than throwing back a drink only to have some soggy glop hit the back of your tongue. That’s something I don’t experience today…thankfully.

Dishwasher Safe – Nowadays

Aside from my original BlenderBottle, I haven’t had a problem with this unit in the dishwasher. The BPA-free plastic is quite sturdy and none of these newer ones have melted on me today.

Probably because I don’t use the ones with the rubber grip.

In any case, I’ve never had a problem with the seals not working or the cap not fitting after using the dishwasher.

Various Sizes and Colors

The BlenderBottle shakers come in a variety of sizes and colors, depending on whether you want to accessorize your workout gear. Personally, I use my black or teal BlenderBottle more than the others.

I also only use the 20-ounce bottle size, as most of the mixtures I create require an 8-ounce liquid. Well, that is if you’re anal like me and follow precise measurements.

But if you want to make a larger protein shake, there are much larger sizes available.

A Tight Seal

As I said earlier, I’ve never had a BlenderBottle leak on me. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. I once had a bottle leak, but that was because I accidentally got powder on the screw itself.

After cleaning the top of the lid, it was sealed tight.

The only downside I’ve had with the seal is how on one particularly new bottle, its cap wouldn’t open. It was sealed tight when closed, and it took a bit of effort to get it to pop up.

However, over the years, it has loosened a great deal. Now, I don’t have to pull a muscle trying to open it.

Doesn’t Blend Solids, Obviously

Don’t let the name mislead you. You cannot blend solid materials within your BlenderBottle. Well, I suppose you probably could if you put it on a paint mixer.

Now, I only state the obvious because I’ve actually seen someone complain that they couldn’t use the shaker to blend up fruit in a smoothie.

So, let me put it out there; use the bottle as a shaker for powders and liquids. Don’t assume you can throw ice cubes in to crush it into a Slurpee.

Microwave Safe – ish

According to BlenderBottle, the plastic variations of the shakers are microwave safe due to their construction. However, they warn against doing so when sealing the bottle.

This is because heat will pressurize the contents of the bottle and could cause a hell of a mess. Not to mention the fact that you should never put metal in a microwave, this includes the BlenderBall within the shakers.

I’ve never used one of these bottles in the microwave, nor do I want to. My shakes and drinks consist of cold liquids. Plus, I have plenty of other ways of using hot water should the need arise.

For one thing, I have a Primo water dispenser that heats up water well enough to use for tea.

Branded BlenderBottles?!?

As I was looking up BlenderBottle on Amazon, I stumbled across branded bottles. This includes Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter, and DC. Now, it looks like I need to buy a Captain America bottle.

Not to mention the other variations, sizes, and types. For example, you can pick up the BlenderBottle that has a powder container and pill organizer screw-on attachment.

So, if you’re interested in any of those trademarks or want something more than just a plain, 20-ounce bottle, you might find a design you like. I’m already adding a couple to my wishlist.


  • Works as intended
  • Available EVERYWHERE
  • Accurately measures ounces and milliliters
  • Can take it anywhere
  • Highly durable with a long lifespan


  • Sometimes, new caps will seal extremely tightly
  • Hot contents may build up pressure and leak if sealed

What Size of BlenderBottle is the Best?

Personally, I never use anything larger than a 20-oz bottle. As I said earlier, most of my shakes and drinks require exact measurements at 8-ounce intervals. So, the shorter bottle is all I ever need.

However, my friend, Sam, likes using the taller bottles to mix up her protein/coffee concoction that she takes to work. So, it all comes down to your own needs and wants.

For me, the smaller bottle fits perfectly in my gym bag while being sealed so that it doesn’t leak on everything. The taller, skinnier bottles, on the other hand, would probably fit better in the bottle holder of my bicycle.

Be Wary of Hot Beverages

The reason why BlenderBottle doesn’t suggest using hot beverages within the shaker is because of the risk involved. The bottle itself is sturdy enough to handle the heat. But it’s the pressure build-up that can cause a problem.

When you seal any object and heat the contents, the air expands. The result is that the cap could unexpectedly pop open, spilling or spraying the hot contents.

This is also true for any mixtures that will oxidize, such as pancake batter.

Buy Your BlenderBottle on Amazon

Check out all of the styles of BlenderBottle available on Amazon. Personally, I’m looking forward to adding the steel Captain America shaker to my collection.

Do You Absolutely Need a BlenderBottle?

As long as you can mix up your protein shakes and powders, you technically don’t need a BlenderBottle. However, I can say that having that little BlenderBall at the bottom has made mixing drinks a hell of a lot easier.

Back in the day, I would mix protein shakes in a cup with a spoon. It’s just not the same when the powder clumps up and explodes in your throat when trying to drink it.

So, why don’t I simply use my Ninja blender to make my shakes? Well, it’s kind of a pain to set up and clean the Ninja after a single, 8-ounce drink.

The overall purpose of a BlenderBottle is for the quick drinks you’d want pre, during, or post-workout. It’s just super convenient to fill up eight ounces of chocolate almond milk and dump a scoop of my blueberry Max Muscle powder.

It’s all about the convenience factor. That is as long as you remember to clean them out after each use.

How Many BlenderBottles Do I Own?

Black BlenderBottle

Not only am I a bit of a collector, but everyone in the house uses the blender bottles on a regular basis. As such, I used to find them dirty all over the place. This means I wind up buying more as needed.

Between kids leaving them in cars and people forgetting them in their rooms, it’s a pain to hunt down my favorites.

Currently, I have seven in my house. We’ve had to replace a few due to extenuating circumstances, though. And only one of them was due to overuse, thanks to the lid that got stuck.

The rest were melted on accident or “contaminated” by leaving protein shake remnants for an extended period of time.

Protein shakes leave behind one hell of a rancid smell if left unattended for weeks on end.

The bottom line is that BlenderBottle is one of my favorite brands and I’ll easily have several in the house at any given time.

A Great Way to Drink Your Shakes

Sure, we’ll still use the Ninja to blend up smoothies and such. But for protein powders, pre-workouts, or energy drinks, the BlenderBottle works exceptionally well while being convenient.

Just make sure you’re getting a real BlenderBottle. I’ve had some cheap knock-offs that were definitely not worth using.

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