Review: How Good are Keto Krax Dark Chocolate Almond Snacks?

Keto Krax Dark Chocolate Almonds
30 Sep

Last Updated on May 21, 2023 by Michael Brockbank

I’m a fan of anything dark chocolate. It’s often difficult to find diet foods that can do any kind of chocolate justice. However, the No Sugar Company does a good job with the Keto Krax Dark Chocolate Almond snack.

And since I like the taste of this product, I’m looking forward to trying the other product lines from No Sugar Company. Especially the Peanut Crunch.

What is Keto Krax with Dark Chocolate and Almonds?

If you’re looking for a good sugar-free chocolate taste, almonds, and sea salt, this Keto Krax product might be what you need. The flavor comes from 8g of sugar alcohol in the form of erythritol.

The snack is a flat, chip-like chocolate bar loaded with ground almonds. And it’s lower in calories than many other keto snacks for the same volume.

What Can You Expect Out of Dark Chocolate Keto Krax with Almonds?

This is another product that I wasn’t too sure about. This is also coming from someone who loves his sugar and often turns his nose up at anything sugar-free.

In this case, though, I’m glad I tried it. As diets snacks are concerned, Keto Krax is actually not all that bad.

Great Chocolate Taste

Keto Krax Serving

I know, it’s easier to make good-tasting products out of dark chocolate given its nature. But you’d be amazed by how often I’ve come across some poorly put-together snacks.

Luckily, this one has a great chocolate taste overall. The almonds and sea salt just seem to complement it very nicely.

Low Calories in Comparison

Compared to a variety of other snacks, such as most of the almond and nut products I like, Keto Krax has a much lower calorie count. At only 120 calories per serving, it is quite a bit lower than something like Parm Crisps.

This is a bit surprising to me given that it’s a chocolate snack. But like I pointed out, the taste is coming from quite a bit of sugar alcohol. Still, I’m kind of impressed with how little is in this while roasted almonds are about 40 calories higher.

1g of Net Carbs!

From the standpoint of keto and low carb diets, I am impressed with the 1g of net carbs in Keto Krax. In total, it has 17g of carbohydrates. Minus the erythritol and 8g of dietary fibers, and you have an extremely light snack.

In reality, this is probably the lowest amount of carbs I’ve had in a keto-friendly diet snack thus far. Well, outside of water.

Low Sodium

If your specific diet calls for low sodium, the dark chocolate and almond Keto Krax only has 45mg per serving. And if you’re worried about cholesterol, don’t. There is absolutely zero in this package.

This means it works perfectly for those who need to watch blood pressure or are on specific low-sodium diets.


Another aspect that might tickle the fancy of some is how Keto Krax is gluten-free. So if you have an allergy or are otherwise trying to stay away from gluten, this bag has you covered.

Personally, I don’t mind gluten. However, I do know people who do have allergies, so this is something I’m easily going to suggest.

Free Downloadable eBook

No Sugar Add Company has a free eBook you can download by using the QR code on the bag. Personally, I’m not exactly sure what’s in the eBook, but given the title, “No Sugar In Me,” I have a pretty good idea.

For those who are on strict keto and low-carb diets, it might be worth a read.

Long Shelf-life

Like a lot of keto diets I’ve had this year, Keto Krax seems to have a pretty long shelf-life. For example, we picked up this bag last week, and its “Best By” date is February of 2023.

Personally, I don’t see this snack lasting longer than a couple of weeks in this house, let alone five or six months.

Where Can you Find Keto Krax?

Keto Snacking

If I remember right, my friend picked up this particular bag at Costco. But, it may have been Sam’s Club. Either way, it looks like a lot of warehouse places carry a lot of good keto snacks.

I don’t remember seeing them in like a Walmart or Target, though. In fact, I’ve never heard of the brand until my friend brought this snack to me the other day.

But, no worries…you can always pick them up on Amazon.

Try Keto Krax today! I’m tellin’ ya, the chocolate is worth it.

You may also be able to find Keto Krax or the No Sugar Company at a variety of health stores.

Would I Buy Keto Krax with Dark Chocolate and Almonds Again?

I’m still working on slimming down and creating a superhero physique for myself. As far as chocolate snacking with almonds goes, Keto Krax is definitely among those that I’ll buy again.

It’s a low-carb, tasty treat that doesn’t come with a lot of calories. Regardless of what diet I’m on, it fits.

I might wind up buying these off of Amazon myself simply because every time I like something at Costco, they get rid of it, like, the next day.

Well, that’s what it feels like anyway.

But, I liked this version of Keto Krax quite a bit. I’m actually looking forward to trying the other flavors. There’s even a mint version that I am somewhat curious about.

Pretty Impressive from No Sugar Company

I wasn’t sure if I was going to like anything coming from a company that is blatantly anti-sugar. But in this case, I am pleasantly surprised.

Keto Krax has a great taste and is perfect for snacking while on a diet. I hope the rest of them are just as good.


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