Finally Setting Up the Podcast Tonight on Anchor

Podcast Coming
01 Nov

Last Updated on May 21, 2023 by Michael Brockbank

Technically, we’ve been doing our version of a podcast for Crossing Colorado on YouTube for about a year. Tonight, I finally took the steps to add it to Anchor. After 49 episodes, I decided perhaps we should start branching out a bit.

Unfortunately, I really can’t do a lot of customization for the podcast in Anchor until we upload the first episode. This means that I won’t be able to share the page with you until either tomorrow or Thursday.

Still, I am pretty excited to set this up and get it live.

What is Anchor?

Anchor is a platform by Spotify that you can use for free to distribute your podcasts. Instead of just recording live video on YouTube, you can upload the content and Anchor will distribute it to a range of podcasting systems.

It’s simply a way to reach another audience that you might not have available on YouTube or Twitch.

Anchor also has options for monetization once you hit certain milestones. And I have to admit, getting a few extra bucks each month would go a long way to helping me maintain everything.

What is the Crossing Colorado Podcast?

Sam and I have a live show on YouTube called, Fitness in Theory (FiT). It’s about how realistic trying to live a healthy lifestyle can be for the average Joe. This includes everything from examining the best diet plans to the mental blocks many of us face to get fit.

Some of us just have a harder time staying motivated and focused. And it’s our goal to help those people see a better path while trying to reach those aspirations ourselves.

Since it’s a live podcast, we often incorporate viewers into the show while answering questions and having fun with the topics.

From my perspective, it’s more about helping those who are over 40 (and anyone else for that matter) who are tired of living with the “Dad Bod” or who want a better way to live. You don’t have to wait for your heart to stop to start caring about health today.

What Kind of Topics Do We Talk About?

We cover just about anything health and fitness related. The important part is that we’re coming from the viewpoint of the average person.

We’ve talked about mental hangups with weight loss, instant gratification, preparing meals, holiday eating, and more. But if you’d like us to talk about a specific topic, feel free to comment below or reach out to us on social media.

In any case, we try to approach topics with a positive mindset while offering what motivation we can to help others in similar situations.

No, we’re not ripped, narcissistic, gym-goers who look good in a speedo. In fact, that’s the last thing you want to see us wear at the moment. We’re just average folk looking to live a healthier lifestyle without the traps of pills, fads, plans, or other nonsensical junk you don’t necessarily need.

Live on YouTube Every Tuesday

Because we have varying work schedules, it’s hard to stick with a specific time frame. But currently, we are live on the YouTube channel every Tuesday night at 7 pm MTN.

The reason I decided to do a live podcast instead of a pre-recorded show is that I thrive on engagement. I love interacting with viewers, responding to questions, and otherwise having fun with those who watch.

I’m also hoping that once people hear that we’re live on Tuesdays from podcast platforms like Spotify that they’ll want to join in the conversation.

Will the Podcast Be Added to

There are a lot of different ways to set up a podcast, especially in WordPress. The goal is to add the shows to the website as soon as they go live. This means you’ll be able to listen directly from this website.

If all goes according to plan, those who subscribe to notifications should get an update immediately once the podcast is live. I’m not 100% sure when they’ll start rolling out on the blog, but it shouldn’t take much longer than a couple of days.

Also, keep in mind that I am currently writing one book while editing another. Not to mention making sure my work is done for the day for my clients. But, I’m pretty sure I have a good workflow going, including getting the podcasts up on the blog.

Even if I have to take a bit of time after work on a Thursday.

Podcast Videos on Spotify?

Not only will you be able to watch the live streams on YouTube, but Spotify also has a video podcast option available. This means we can just upload the video directly to Anchor and it will automatically convert the audio files while sharing the video.

This will actually be a huge time saver. Instead of converting the files for audio, we can just download the video from YouTube, cut out the before and after stuff, and upload it to Anchor.

Of course, we’ve never tried this before. So, I am pretty sure there will be a bit of trial and error in the process.

Where Will You Be Able to Hear the Podcast?

Once the episodes are live on Anchor, I’ll start sending them to as many locations as I can. Regardless, the first platform is going to be Spotify. That’s because it’s Anchor’s default, considering Spotify owns Anchor.

With each addition I make to the podcast, though, I’ll make sure to do a quick write-up on the blog and share it on social media.

If you have a preferred platform, let me know in the comment section. I’ll see what we can do to get it added.

Can’t Wait to Share the Shows!

I’m quite excited to get this project off the ground. It’s something we’ve talked about for a while, but I just wasn’t able to get around to doing it until now.

Hopefully, you’ll like listening or watching as much as we like making the content.

In any case, I think this is going to be a lot of fun, not to mention motivational to stick with my own weight loss goals and plans.

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