Last Updated on May 21, 2023 by Michael Brockbank
Last year, Sam had to buy a Stealth Board because “it looked fun.” I think I’ve seen her use it three times in the past six months. So, I figured it was about time I gave the board a try while using it to amplify the plank.
If you haven’t seen the commercials, the Stealth Board is essentially a platform you use that keeps you in a plank position while playing games. Well, that’s a pretty basic description, actually.
The Stealth Board has a holder built-in to contain your phone. Then, you load up games that use the tilt sensor to move about the screen. This means that if you want things to move around in the game, you’ll have to move the board while in the plank position.
Theoretically, it should do two major things:
- Activate your abs and obliques while moving the board to play.
- Occupy your mind, which may result in longer planking sessions.
It essentially maximizes the effect of gamifying fitness as you’re more focused on playing for fun rather than maintaining a plank position for a minute or two.
Why Haven’t I Been Using the Board?
To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure why I haven’t been using the board more often. I installed the app and tried it once…months ago. It’s not that I didn’t find it fun, it’s more of a combination of laziness and forgetfulness.
I think a massive part has to do with how much I’ve been trying to get done lately. Because I have a lot on my plate, a lot of things get forgotten or put indefinitely on the back burner.
Including my fitness routines.
It’s something I’ve been trying to streamline for this year, which has been a massive chore. Especially after picking up a new client and being tossed a few new major projects from my current client.
Needless to say, my time is at an all-time premium.
Why Am I Using the Stealth Board Now?

I have a lot of things in my house that get very little use in terms of fitness. I keep wanting to do case studies and reviews, but everything keeps getting pushed back.
However, I’m getting a bit of a handle on things and really want to push with all of the plans I have in my head.
What has prompted me to jump on the board now instead of months ago?
Trying to Get Back Into the Swing of Things
So, I recently restarted my 12-week fitness challenge to lose the rest of my weight. And the last two weeks have been anything but stellar. I’m trying to get back into the right mindset, but it’s been exceptionally difficult.
What a lot of it boils down to is managing my time better.
No matter how you slice it up, though, my life is incredibly chaotic at the moment. So much so that I don’t even try to date because I don’t think it would be fair to get into a relationship at this point.
Going for the Summer Bod – ABS
One of the goals for my fitness challenge is to see what I can do to myself from a physical perspective. What would I look like with defined abs?
That’s what drives a lot of my experiments, actually. Can I accomplish X in a certain amount of time?
Planks work exceptionally well for strengthening core muscles. But if I don’t curb the carbs, I will never see those abs that I’m aiming for.
It’s like covering a washboard with a pillow. You know the ripples are there, but you’re not going to see them.
A Two-Week Case Study
I quite enjoy doing case studies and collecting data. Starting in a couple of days, I’m using the Stealth Board to see how well it works over a two-week period.
I’m currently working on the data points I want to collect, but I’m not sure what kind of a baseline I should use. No matter what, using the Stealth Board is going to improve how long I can hold a basic plank.
I would use pictures, but then that would also rely mostly on my diet.
Regardless, I’ll find something to track when starting the case study. Maybe I won’t use the ab crunch machine at the gym at all for two weeks, finish this case study, and then see how much I can crunch afterward.
Perhaps I’ll just keep track of how long each session goes before I get too tired to hold the plank.
That actually might be a good selling point, now that I think about it.
Will Using a Plank Board Make a Difference?
I know that planking, in general, is going to be beneficial no matter what. But will adding games and movement really make much of a difference overall? I suppose we’ll see.
Who knows, it may turn out to be one of my most used pieces of exercise equipment in the house.
Wish me luck!